and All Things Greek!

Image Gallery

We will be adding to the image gallery as time permits. To Start with we will be showing images of various locations and subjects on Corfu. These will be followed by Images of Mainland Greece and finally some Miscellaneous images.

We retain the copyright on all of these images but you may use them for any non-commercial purpose provided that the source is acknowledged. In the event that we use images other than our own, all copyrights will be acknowledged.


When you clicked on the menu option ‘Image Gallery’ to get to this page, you will probably have noticed a number of dropdown menu items. These represent the various categories of images. Selecting any one of these will present you with an album page displaying a any number of thumbnails and captions for the various individual galleries.

Clicking any of these thumbnails will take the user to the gallery where further (larger) thumbnails are displayed for each image in that gallery. Clicking on any thumbnail will open the full size image in a ‘lightbox’. At the bottom of the image will be displayed chevrons which when clicked will take you to the next or previous image in the gallery. Enjoy!

Bob Giles

Click the image
Darryl Bill's Butcher shop
Eating out
Random Gallery Images
20000430104642 20011021170438 19990705120256 2002-10-0315-09-25

Copyright © 2012 Bob Giles. All Rights Reserved.